BCANDS Governance / 2024- 2025 Board of Directors

Incorporated as a Society in 1991 and now in its 3st year, BCANDS is governed by an elected, volunteer Board of Directors who receive no remuneration / honorarium for their governance services. Representatives serving on the BCANDS Board of Directors are located across British Columbia from both urban and Indigenous communities.

The BCANDS Board of Directors meets quarterly or as needed, in order to receive accurate and up-to-date knowledge and information on organizational activities, while ensuring the fiscally responsible, transparent, comprehensive and relevant operations of the Society which is demanded and expected by our clients, our membership and our funding partners.

2024-25 BCANDS Board of Directors

Mr. Stephen Lytton                                                                                                           BCANDS Board President


Stephen’s Bio – Stephen is a member of the of the Nicomen Indian Band within the Nlaka’pamux/ Interior Salish Thompson First Nation. Stephen is a residential school survivor, having spent 13 years in St. George’s Residential School and is also a person with a disability. As well as being a recipient of the Governor General’s Sovereign Medal for Volunteers (2015), Stephen is an accomplished actor, writer and presenter. Stephen has presented across Canada to various groups regarding his personal experiences in residential school as an Indigenous man with a disability. Stephen enjoys all people he meets, poetry and creative writing. Stephen believes that the arts are one of many ways to build bridges both culturally and socially. Two of Stephen’s favourite quotes are,  “Attitude is the paint brush that colours your world.” by Mary C. Crowley, and “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” by Brenè Brown.

To read Stephen’s story / presentations please click the links below.

Stephen’s Salmon Legend 

The Language of Love – Short Documentary

Stephen Presentation


Mr. Ray McGuire                                                                                                            BCANDS Director

100_0112Ray’s Bio – Ray is a member of the Choctaw Nation, located in Oklahoma, U.S.A. Ray enjoys a long history of working and volunteering with Indigenous communities both within British Columbia and in Alberta. As a registered Social Worker, contractor and consultant within British Columbia, Ray has been involved in a number of local, regional, and provincial initiatives within both the Indigenous disability and health sectors. Ray brings a wealth of knowledge, experience to the BCANDS Board of Directors and is well known, respected and recognized for his work across the province.


Mr. Tom Morrow                                                                                                                 BCANDS Director


Tom’s Bio – Tom is a member of the Lyackson First Nation and has a long association with BCANDS through his volunteer work with the Society. Tom brings a wealth of information and insight into the barriers and priorities of Indigenous individuals and communities as it relates to health and disability related needs and services.



In addition to our dedicated Board of Directors, BCANDS is very privileged to enjoy the support of the following Honorary Patrons. These Patrons are committed to the provision of accessible, quality and relevant Indigenous disability and health information / resource and support services available to all Indigenous persons and communities within British Columbia:

BCANDS Honorary Patrons

Chief Thomas



Seenupin – The Late Chief Andy Thomas Esquimalt First Nation


George Watts          The Late George WattsTseshaht First Nation

rick hansen



Rick Hansen C.C. OBC.                                                    CEO – Rick Hansen Foundation



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Diana Fowler LeBlanc – C.C., B.S.W., D.U.






Chief Simon Lucas                   Hesquiaht First Nation


BCANDS would also like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work performed by the late Ian Hinksman, Mike Touchie and the entire first BCANDS Board of Directors. Collectively they took the dream of an organization dedicated to assisting the health resource and disability needs of Indigenous persons and communities within British Columbia and made that dream into a reality. You, your work and your efforts are not forgotten and is reflected in the work that we do today.  Thank you!